About Us

Focus On Recovery – Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force

Our Vision

The Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force established the following vision for the community:

A safe and healthy community free from the ravages of opioid and other drug addiction and misuse

Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force 

Your Partners In Substance Use Disorder Education and Recovery

The Spokane Regional Opioid Taskforce (SROTF) mission is to prevent harms related to opioid use and to address the consequences of opioid misuse and opioid use disorders. Through education channels, our goal is address the physical and community health-related consequences of drug dependance.

We have developed a community-wide, progressive, and emergent response to the opioid epidemic. Our goal is to engage multiple public and private entities and encourage the use of evidence-based best practices and evaluation in the communities and populations we serve.

Comprised of over 60 local organizations, agencies and individuals committed to addressing the opioid crisis in Spokane. Our vision is a safe and healthy community free from the ravages of opioid and other drug addiction and misuse. 

Spokane Regional Opioid Task Force Partners

Contact Us

For information about the taskforce, use this form to contact us.

If you need to connect with a treatment provider:

Spokane Focused On…

Our Future

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